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Cutral Co approved the housing emergency and there will be loans for homes

Cutral Co established the housing emergency that seeks to promote construction and access to housing for neighbors. The initiative that was sent by the Mayor Ramón Rioseco was approved unanimously of the nine members of the Deliberative Council and will have a validity of two years. The municipality will be responsible for building them through the loans that those interested can access.

Although with modifications with respect to the original project, the Deliberative Assembly unanimously approved the proposal. From now on it must be regulated, but the norm indicates thatThe Executive promotes access to a house, through a mortgage loan which the interested person can access. You will have to have land and a real guarantee sufficient for the award of the house.

The value of the house will be according to the square meters built and for this reason it is that there will be studio apartments, or one and two bedroom houses. The following will be taken into account: “the value of the square meter index of construction equivalent to a number of bags of cement, the unit value of which will be the average sales price of a 50-kilo bag of normal Portland cement, Loma Negra brand, recorded on the last business day of each month, from at least three construction material suppliers in the city.”

In addition, it was established how it will be defined the square meter index of construction. Regarding recovery, the ordinance indicates that the successful bidder You will pay it on the 15th of each month (when the agreed installments will be due). To hand over the property, the future owner must give: “a minimum of 5% down payment and the balance will be in accordance with the value of the square meter index of the construction equivalent to bags of cement. It will be adjusted every six months,” it was clarified.

Social housing at half the cost

There is an article that contemplates the affordable homes and will have a value that results 50% of that established in article 3 of the regulationsThe Executive will award the house by decree and if the agreed installments are not paid -There is a maximum period of 120- legal action may be initiated.

If for any reason, the economic situation of the successful bidder changed, an extension of the cancellation deadlines will be analyzed. The Executive may, in this case, expand the quota limit with a socioeconomic survey.

The ordinance was presented in response to the current social and housing situation. After pointing out that this essential right of many citizens and families of Cutral Co, demands responses and solutions from the State, it was recalled that the National Government suspended all public works.

Furthermore, with the construction of homes it will be possible maintain employment level“It is essential to implement a major public works plan, with own resources that will be immediately allocated to this end,” says the rule.

“We have the will and the political gesture to have access to housing to ensure that these families settle in Cutral Co,” said the president of the Deliberative Council, Jesús San Martín, when approving the law.

Then, San Martin indicated thatthat for the construction of these houses will be done with own funds and another part of the money that was opportunely created by the Enim entity with the allocation provided for public works. In all cases, it is necessary to have the land for the construction of the house, or expansion.

The councilors agreed the housing crisis that exists and in the need for the declaration of emergency. The approved ordinance does not have the regulations that will be made from now on and that will establish, among other items, the value of the square meter; the update and who will be responsible for the construction. This is what councilor César Pérez (Community) said.

He added that the average number of houses to be built is 45; 60 and 75 square meters: studio apartment; one and two bedrooms. “The ordinance has clear guidelines, we work on guarantees, meters and the delivery advance will be at least 5%,” he concluded.

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