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They approved an ordinance that extended the license for people over 70 to two years – Notes – Radioinforme 3

The Deliberative Council of the City of Córdoba approved a project that extends the license period to two years for people over 70 years of age, who until now had to renew it annually. This change will be effective as long as the drivers pass the psychophysical exam.

The concilor Juan Balasteguiwho promoted the ordinance, explained in Chain 3 that the project was discussed in the public services and general legislation commissions with the participation of gerontologists and professionals in accidentology and traffic.

“Taking into account that people of this age already arrive with a different life expectancy, it was agreed to approve the change with physical fitness and not age as a limitation,” said Balastegui.

The councilor also highlighted that the most serious road accidents in the City of Córdoba are caused by drivers between 18 and 35 years old, while there are almost no alcohol fines for people over 70 years old. “We consider that older people arrive with vast experience in driving, they also limit themselves greatly in the use of the vehicle,” added Balastegui.

Therefore, starting this Thursday, Cordoba residents over 70 years of age will be able to renew their license every two years after passing a psychophysical exam.

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In the words of Councilor Balastegui himself, the proposal was adapted to what is already being done in other cities, given a change in the life expectancy and attitude of those over 70. “The city of Buenos Aires is already doing it every two , Paraná does it every three years and we consider that this measure is inclusive, does not stigmatize older people and takes into account attitude and not age,” he explained to Chain 3.

He also reiterated that, according to road accident records, this age group is not the main cause of accidents.

However, if this ordinance is approved, current licenses will not be automatically extended, but rather drivers must apply for a new license to obtain a license with a duration extended to two years.

Report by Lucia Gonzalez and Fernando Barrionuevo.

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