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Actions to improve water supply in towns in the center of the country are confirmed

This is confirmed by the Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, Inés María Chapman Waugh, accompanied by the governor of Villa Clara, Milaxy Yanet Sánchez Armas, aqueduct, hydraulic resources and local government authorities.

The delegation toured part of the new 630-millimeter pipeline that extends for more than 10 kilometers.

“The population has to know that very hard work is being done to find a definitive solution to the water supply in Manicaragua,” said Chapman Waugh, while ensuring that it is a priority for the country to undertake this type of investment even in very adverse conditions.

“Everything that is being done here is valued at more than 100 million pesos, and our people must also know this because we are responding to very sensitive and humane proposals,” the Vice Prime Minister emphasized.

Later, climbing mountains on winding paths, we passed the Sijú hill until we reached the Retoños del Turquino children’s home in La Herradura. There, Modesto Robaina, the president of the cooperative, explained in detail to the Cuban vice prime minister how the facility works, which benefits 30 mothers who are dedicated to harvesting coffee in the Escambray region of Manicaraguan.

“This is another experience that we have to multiply in the province and in the country,” said Inés María Chapman when praising the work of the educational institution that complies with the Law on Food Sovereignty and Nutritional Security, as well as with the Adelanto program for the woman.

At noon, the delegation arrived at the heights of Jibacoa to verify the change in the energy matrix at the local pumping station, one of the 50 that are currently in operation on Villa Clara properties.

News under construction.


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