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They take stock to declare the Departmental Public Calamity in Nariño

The Departmental Risk Council committee conducted an assessment of the emergencies generated by the heavy rainfall during the first half of 2024, which in several regions exceeded historical levels, causing emergencies and damage.

According to a report delivered by the Administrative Directorate of Risk Management, headed by Gabriel Ocaña, 42 municipalities reported natural events, including 80 reported events, 44 mass movements, 25 floods, 7 torrential floods, one frost, one gale and one hail.

These natural disasters have affected 9,982 families due to overflowing rivers, flooding, damage to the road network, aqueduct and sewage systems; environmental damage and repercussions on agriculture, educational infrastructure, tourism and land connectivity, exceeding the response capacity of municipal administrations, problems that allow the declaration of Public Calamity in 13 municipalities, Albán, Arboleda, Barbacoas, El Charco, La Unión, Olaya Herrera, Pasto, Roberto Payán, San Lorenzo, Sandoná, Túquerres, Tumaco and Funes.

In total, 3 people were injured, one was missing, one died, 53 homes were destroyed, 378 were damaged, 27 roads were affected, 8 schools, 4 aqueducts, 3 sewers and 4,790 hectares of crops were damaged.


The acting governor, Vicente Menza Vallejo, stated that, during the registered emergencies, the Government of Nariño has made available all the institutionality focused on giving an immediate response, to provide health care, delivery of food kits and relocation of affected families, in addition to the recovery of roads through bridges and the yellow machinery bank with the support of Invias and Findeter. Actions that exhausted the resources and the capacity to respond to new emergencies and the completion of pending works for the economic and social recovery of the affected families.

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