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Dina Margarita Zabaleta took office as the Ombudsman of Valledupar

In the middle of a session in the Council, he took office as municipal representative of Valledupar The lawyer Dina Margarita Zabaleta Molina. Zabaleta was elected last Thursday, June 20, as representative of Valledupar for the period 2024-2028.

Of the 17 councilors who voted, 14 did so for Dina Zabaleta and 3 did not mark the card. Light Angela Moreno and Jose Catañothe other two candidates, did not receive a single vote.

“The Legal standing which I assume will be characterized by carrying out social and preventive work. For knowledge, in the exercise of other functions, I know that many mistakes made by public servants are due to lack of knowledge on health issues.hiring and petition rights. We will guide the Ombudsman’s Office to advance preventive actions,” he said. Zabaleta before the Plenary of the Council.

The official indicated that she will carry out a diagnosis so that society knows the state in which it will receive the Office of Valledupar.

With his possession the commission in which he was was finished. Valledupar Office for four months, mainly, because the current board of directors revoked the merit contest and started a new one.

By Deivis Caro


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