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Governor Macías affirms that she will seek to transfer resources for thermal subsidies

After the Trade Association of Sponsoring Entities working on the implementation of thermal conditioning expressed their concern about the lack of resources to cover all applicants for this benefit, the Regional Council of Aysén agreed to seek resources within the 2024 budget to cover this need through a transfer.

Coyhaique.- Given the urgency to advance this objective, part of the Environmental Decontamination Plan, the Regional Governor and President of the CORE, Andrea Macías Palma, stated that there is the possibility of analyzing resources from initiatives that will not be fully implemented this year.

“We are waiting to confirm which is the most efficient mechanism that will allow the transfer of resources this year, because as has occurred in other transfers, the budget is dynamic, and therefore today we have information and knowledge of initiatives that will not be fully implemented and that had resources assigned to them. Therefore, the resources that we know today will not be implemented this year we still have the possibility of allocating them to another initiative and there is an agreement on the part of the regional council and the executive branch that these resources will also serve to support thermal subsidies.”

For her part, the president of the Housing Commission, Marisol Martínez, reported that a meeting will be held next week with the Minister of Housing, Carlos Montes, to resolve the situation.

“What we are looking for is to have by that date technically evaluated how many resources are needed and in what way, through what mechanisms we can support this small industry,” he stressed.

Along these lines, the president of the AG of Sponsoring Entities, Rosamel Vera, called on the Ministry of Housing to become part of this solution proposed by the GORE Aysén.

“We understand that this is an initiative of great impact for the region. We have close to two thousand projects that are currently without financing and this is something that helps us. We believe that this is a first step and since the regional government supported this initiative, we hope that the central government, the Ministry of Housing, will also contribute its part,” he said.

FRIL constructions in Lago Pollux and El Blanco

The plenary session on Wednesday also addressed the approval of two projects from the Regional Fund for Local Initiative (FRIL): the construction of the hopscotch court for the San Juan Club in Lago Pollux and the headquarters for the Manos Amigas Cultural and Artisanal Group in El Blanco, which was appreciated by its leaders.

“This is going to help us a lot to improve our practice, to become more professional because hopscotch was established as a national sport and where the family participates,” said Santos Mercado, president of the San Juan Club.

In turn, Carmen Fierro, president of the Manos Amigas Group, said she was “very excited to be able to make this dream of our group come true. We are a group that has been operating for 10 years and thanks to the support we received from the municipality and the Regional Government, we can say that we now have our headquarters.”

Furthermore, the plenary session also approved funding for the acquisition of equipment for the preservation, disposition and enhancement of the documentary heritage of the Ministry of National Assets, a decision valued by the regional minister Irina Morend.

“These are records of property titles, founding maps of the region, correspondence, shorthand notebooks, and a large amount of material dating back to around 1928, recording the history of the Aysén Region and this material has been stored in a very old warehouse that was in a very poor state. With this funding, we will be able to protect this cultural heritage that in some way reflects the identity and history of the region,” he said.

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