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Caesar to Caesar! Cathy Juvinao to Vicky Dávila

This Thursday, June 27, it was revealed that Asofundsthe union that brings together private pension funds, ended up drafting a proposal that grants them a billion-dollar commission in the pension reform of Petro and amounts to 2.1 billion pesos, a situation that was recognized by Cathy Juvinao to the journalist Vicky Davila in social networks.

Santiago Moreno-President of Asofondos. Photo taken from Semana

Let us remember that the journalist and leader of Semana magazine revealed that Asofondos drafted a proposal by the legal vice president of Asofondos, Clara Elena Reales and which was received by the senator Gustavo Moreno. Subsequently, the entity ended up issuing a statement regarding this fact.

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The entity during its statement confirmed that: “He sought to ensure adequate remuneration that would allow the AFPs to continue providing their services to Colombian workers and, although there were similarities, the congressmen, together with their teams of advisors, introduced modifications”. Situation that confirmed what was expressed by the Semana leader.

Later, through a message on their social networks Vicky Davilastressed that this investigation was carried out by their media outlet, and also mentioned that this entity needed more than 72 hours to confirm the information they revealed, in addition to rescuing the complaints made by German Vargas Lleras.

Situation that moments later, the representative for the Chamber of Bogotá, Cathy Juvinao rescued the investigation carried out by the journalist, in addition to giving her competent credit for revealing the pertinent information and rescuing her work as a journalist in the Government of ‘change’.

Statements by the House Representative

Caesar’s Caesar’s. Vicky won this round against Asofondos (who looks very bad in the opinion) and President Petro, who despite his fierce attacks against the press, she demonstrated with evidence that his complaint was true and founded.

Cathy Juvinao

Likewise, he rescued and invited everyone to make the corresponding protest about the care of pension savings, as a measure to avoid the situation with the expenses of this money.


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