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Teacher unions signed a complementary agreement

Within the framework of the collective bargaining negotiations between state unions and the Provincial Government, which establishes a 33% salary increase for all public administration agents from June to September, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology signed a Complementary Agreement Act with representatives of the teaching sector.

The minutes establish the following points:

– The payment of the “Teacher Transitory Compensation”, equivalent to the FONID and Connectivity, until the month of December.

– Salary increase, agreed in the general collective bargaining negotiations, to the basic salary and the same percentage increase to codes 449, 649, 690 and 698.

– 200% increase in Travel Expenses to be paid 100% in July and 100% in August.

– The 5-hour bleaching of code 690.

– Increase in Urban and Extra-urban Areas by 100%.

– The parties will meet again in September.

The Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology signed the salary agreement, Cristina Fiore Viñualesthe Institutional and Administration Secretary, Eduardo Costellothe representatives of the teaching sector ADP (Provincial Teaching Association), AMET (Association of Technical Teaching Teachers), ATE (Association of State Workers), SADOP (Argentine Union of Private Teachers), UPCN (Union of Civil Personnel of the Nation ) and UDA (Union of Teachers Union).


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