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The body of the Santander police officer murdered in Arauca was received with honors

The coffin of Deputy Mayor Anderson Alberto Hernández Villar, who died at 38 years of age, arrived at the Palonegro International Airport in Lebrija, Santander, from the department of Arauca.

With the Colombian flag covering his coffin, with honors from the senior police officers in Santander, this was the reception before being transferred to the municipality of San Gil where his loved ones will carry out the funeral ceremonies.

“The deaths of our police officers must hurt us all. We say goodbye to a colleague, to a son who gave 20 years of his life in service for this country,” said General Henry Yesid Bello Cubides, commander of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police.

The funeral procession left by land towards the municipality of San Gil where his family and friends will say goodbye this Friday, June 28, in the afternoon. Once they arrive in the capital of the province of Guanentá, the wake will take place at the Senderos del memoria funeral home.

“They took a piece of my life away from me”
With these words Mariela Villar, mother of Deputy Mayor Hernández, summarized the pain she feels after the news of the murder of her eldest son.

The body was found in the Los Almendros area, in the municipality of Arauquita, Arauca, with several bullet wounds. The ELN and dissident groups of the FARC are active in this area of ​​Colombia. A tattoo of the National Police shield on one of his arms helped identify the officer who was on vacation.

“The last time he was with me was for my birthday, here in San Gil. Then she went with her girlfriend to look for her father there on the border with Cúcuta and from that day on we had no more news,” added Mariela.

The officer was currently serving at the CAI in the Mutis neighborhood of the Metropolitan Police of Bucaramanga. He was the father of two minors, aged 9 and 11.

Anderson Alberto traveled on a motorcycle he owned and the intention was to meet his father in the La Parada sector, in the municipality of Villa del Rosario, Norte de Santander and from there travel to the border state of Táchira.

But he and his partner were intercepted by armed individuals who proceeded to kidnap him. They let her partner go free and took him and her motorcycle in a truck. It is believed that the ELN guerrilla was behind the kidnapping.

Ten days later, the relatives decided to report the incident that ended with the discovery of the lifeless body on Tuesday, June 25, in a rural area of ​​the municipality of Arauquita.

“I tell the armed groups not to look at the uniforms, but at the people. They are not only taking a life, they are also taking a big piece of life from the families. I ask the national government to have a real negotiation and to stop mourning for the fathers and mothers of the Colombian police officers,” said Mariela.

For this crime, the director of the National Police, General William Salamanca, offered $50 million for information that would allow us to find the murderers.

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