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Mayor who led attack on Cesar Rincon statue was suspended in March

A controversial event generated controversy last Monday, June 24, in which it was evidenced as Jose Luis Bohorquezmayor of Duitama, Boyacá, led the toppling of the statue of the renowned Colombian bullfighter César Rincón.

Bohórquez’s initiative happened after Congress approved the law that prohibits bullfighting in Colombia.

The images and videos went viral on social networks, in which the director of Social Prosperity, Gustavo Bolívar, and the senator of the Historical Pact, Esmeralda Rojas, appeared alongside him.

“We decided to remove the statue tribute to bullfighting and César Rincón. We decided to move it to another location, after maintenance. May the old bullring be a square for everyone. “That where there was death, today life is celebrated, with culture, sports and peasant markets,” Luis Bohórquez stated on his networks.

However, it should be noted that the controversial president is facing a provisional suspension by the Council of State for dual membership.

This is a second instance ruling dated March 24, 2024, issued by the court.

However, the Mayor remains in office after presenting several appeals that must be resolved. He chose to use any political tool to defend and sustain his position.

The president challenged the judges of the Fifth Section and the Plenary Chamber of the Council of State.

Sadness over the statue case

Maestro César Rincón did not hide his sadness over what happened to his statue in Duitama, Boyacá.

The qualifiers fall short”the bullfighter told Semana magazine.

There is no right to what happens“, he added.

At the time, he also said he was surprised by the decision of the Congress of the Republic to ban bullfights.

These are things that break your soul. I am a man eternally grateful to bullfighting because when I look back and see everything I have, I owe it to the fighting bull. When you realize who gives you life, if someone gives you life like your dad or mom, then you don’t want anything to ever happen to you. My bullfighting gave me everything, I was lucky to bring my entire family forward thanks to my triumphs, my successes, my perseverance, many things I had in life. It is very sad that today bullfighting has been banned.”he asserted.

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