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Chavismo now accused the opposition of planning “violent actions” from the Argentine Embassy in Caracas

The head of the official team for the elections and president of Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez (REUTERS/Gaby Oraa)

Chavismo denounced this Thursday that the campaign team of the main opposition alliance in Venezuela, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), plans “violent actions” for July 28 – when the presidential elections will be held – from the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.

The head of the ruling party’s election team and President of Parliament, Jorge Rodriguezblamed the PUD campaign manager for these alleged plans, Magalli Medaalready Humberto Villaloboselectoral coordinator of the Vente Venezuela (VV) party, both asylum seekers – along with four other opponents – in the Argentine legation.

“It is a plan to place motorized vehicles in the mega voting centers, especially in those that have the greatest electoral flow, they are going to generate disorder in their voting centers, and they are going to try to generate acts of vandalism, criminal acts against people in the voting centers of popular sectors (in which Chavismo boasts greater support),” denounced the deputy.

He announced that in the coming days he will introduce the international guests who will arrive in the country to observe the elections.Evidence of what they are doing from the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela”, although he did not show any document to support his accusations.

“All is being directed from the Argentine Embassy in Venezuelaviolating all international principles related to asylum, which Venezuela strictly respects,” he insisted.

In this sense, Rodríguez urged Argentina to “respect the principles established for the right of asylum and non-interference in the country’s political affairs”, since – he considers – that this situation is “unacceptable” and “inconceivable.”

The team’s plan that supports the candidacy of Edmundo Gonzalez UrrutiaThe legislator added, includes “requesting that acts of violence be generated” and “demanding, according to their own papers, that the victory of one of the Patarucos be recognized,” an insult with which Chavismo refers to the dictator’s opponents. Nicolas Maduro.

Meda, Villalobos and four other anti-Chavistas were accused of crimes such as conspiracy and treason by the Prosecutor’s Office, which requested arrest warrants against this group of people.

This occurs a day after Maduro attacked the president of Argentina again, Javier Mileidescribing it as “sadistic sociopath” and accusing him of “enjoying the suffering of others.”

“Milei seems like someone who likes to make others suffer and enjoys seeing them suffer. A sadistic sociopath,” said Maduro during an event in the state of Lara (central-western region).

He also questioned Milei’s model of government, suggesting that his mandate in Argentina has led to the destruction of various essential areas of the country, including banking and the economy.

Do you want a Milei for Venezuela? Destroying the industry, the agro-industry, the export sector, the banking sector; destroying the Argentine peso, the currency; destroying the State, the identity“, he added.

According to the Chavista regime, Milei is engaged in an international campaign of lies about the Argentine economy, while he enjoys seeing his fellow citizens suffer.

In his statements, Maduro established a direct comparison between the situation in Argentina and a hypothetical scenario in Venezuela, stating: “Do you want Venezuela to become Argentina?”, trying to show that the adoption of a model similar to Milei’s could bring disastrous consequences for the Caribbean country.

Last week, the Venezuelan dictator reiterated that Javier Milei is “destroying” the economy and the State of Argentina with a “failed neoliberal paradigm”.

(With information from EFE)

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