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Lombardi criticized the deputies of Unión por la Patria for putting Loan posters on their benches


The deputy of Pro Hernan Lombardi He harshly questioned the bloc Union for the Homeland for hitting their benches Posters demanding the appearance of Loan, the five-year-old boy who has been missing for 14 days. “The photos speak of opportunism and not of concern for the search for justice,” The legislator sentenced on social networks, which led to a clash in the lower house with the head of the Kirchnerist bench, Germán Martínez.

“I find it hard to think of anything more miserable than the way Kirchnerism uses the pain and shock we feel for Loan. The photos on the benches speak of opportunism and not of their concern for the search for justice,” Lombardi noted from his X account along with a photo of the venue in which Martínez and other members of the bloc can be seen sitting in their benches with the posters stuck to them.

At the time of speaking at the venue, Deputy Martínez responded to Lombardi’s criticisms. “Yesterday, in our block meeting, enormous concern was raised about the situation of Loan and Far from any petty attempt, the decision was not even to raise a question of privilege around the issue, but to come only with the image that is being spread everywhere. asking for his appearance alive and referring to telephone number 134 to collaborate with the search,” Martínez explained.

“With what feeling and perception did we do it? Because this is a session that will have a lot of impact on social networks and will have visibility on television and in photography. And we only came for that.“said the head of the bloc in the House of Representatives of the Union for the Fatherland.

Finally, Martínez directly crossed Lombardi and replied: “Everyone is free to hang, or not, a poster, but I was surprised that, beyond the differences, Deputy Lombardi posted a reference to a petty use on social networks. for our part and Nothing further from that. If there is one thing we do not want, we do not want this issue to be used politically.”

After that, Lombardi took the floor and crossed the UP deputy. “I believe that these things require greatness, and the Kirchnerist bloc has not demonstrated greatness.. What Congressman Martinez says is even worse. What he says is that if we were all in agreement, obviously we are all in agreement, because we are all very concerned about Loan, we would have put it in place,” he said.

“Meanwhile, Congressman Martínez could keep the sign to himself. So it is a question of pettiness and political exploitation. Don’t try to hide it,” Lombardi said.

The crossing between the two deputies occurred in the middle of the debate that began this afternoon in which the ruling party hopes to give definitive sanction to the first two bills of the management of Javier Milei.

As specified by this media, an extensive session is estimated, lasting approximately 12 hours, which will end with two votes: first, the draft of the Base Law will be voted on, for which the support of a comfortable majority is expected – it is estimated around 140 votes – and, immediately afterwards, the deputies will define the fate of the tax reform package, which includes the reversal of the Income tax.


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