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What time is electricity most expensive in Chile and how can I reduce consumption?

Following the government’s announcement about the increase in electricity bills that will take place starting in July, several people began to wonder At what time are the rates more expensive? and what measures to take to reduce electricity consumption.

The General Electricity Company (CGE) explains that the electricity supply is more expensive from April to September, between the 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., although without considering weekends and holidays. However, this does not apply to the BT1 ratewhich is the one that has the majority of residential clients.

“In accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Law in force in Chile, the distribution rates for end customers are fixed every four years by the Ministry of Economy,” is detailed on the CGE website.

What measures can be taken to reduce electricity consumption?

Peak hours aim to avoid excessive consumption of light during the season, however, stopping its use during these hours can be complex. That is why, below we leave some practices that can help reduce consumption.

  • Turn off lights that are not in use.
  • Disconnect electrical devices that are not being used (no matter how small, such as cell phone chargers).
  • Use the washing machine with a full load and cold water.
  • Keep heating systems and radiators clean and in good condition.


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