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This was the celebration of the 200 years of Palmira, Valle del Cauca

In an atmosphere filled with joyful voices, surrounded by the fluted palm trees of Bolívar Park, Palmira celebrated its first 200 years of republican life on the evening of Tuesday, June 25.

It is 200 years of history that have framed the effort and spirit of a thriving land, where memorable deeds have been forged and which has been a faithful witness to the evolution of our country. It is 200 years! shouted the artists of the Municipal School of Art, EMA, during the performance that recreated the ancestral history of Palmira.

200 years of Palmyra. This was the celebration | Photo: courtesy

The solemn act was preceded by religious ceremonies officiated by the outgoing Bishop of Palmira, Edgar de Jesús García Gil, and the audiovisual summary of the works that, in just six months, Mayor Víctor Ramos has managed to develop. The stage was the western side of Bolívar Park, packed with more than 2,000 people and a hundred special guests, arranged in front of the Cathedral ‘Our Lady of Palmar’ which, with its baroque style and standing for more than 300 years, served as a flagpole to fly the white, green and yellow of the Palmira flag.

In his speech, the mayor said that in Palmira the best teachings of the grandparents have been collected to build a better present and future for the new generations. “There are 200 years of history in which Palmira has undergone a remarkable transformation as a territory. Its contributions to science, technology, agriculture, culture and sports have been fundamental to the progress of our Nation,” he emphasized, recalling the progress of the Municipality in the national context.

200 years of Palmyra. This is how the celebration went | Photo: courtesy

In the same sense, he highlighted that since 1988, Palmira has elected mayors and governors by popular vote, thus offering a great contribution to the country’s democracy. And he specified that “today we must recognize the mayors who have contributed to the development of our city: Antonio José López, Luis Eduardo Mendoza, Martín Alonso Alvarado, Guillermo Cabal, Antonio Calle, Miguel Motoa Kuri, Adolfo Castro, Raúl Alfredo, Ritter López, Jairo Ortega Samboní, Óscar Escobar and this server.”

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