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Scared by a woman left lying in the middle of the street in Capital

The authorities are investigating how a woman was left lying in the middle of the street at a busy intersection in the Capital. After the incident, the San Juan Police assisted the woman and began investigating the events.

The event in question occurred in the area of ​​the intersection of Rivadavia and Entre Ríos, where an elderly woman was traveling and ended up lying in the middle of the street less than one meter from a Peugeot car. In the midst of her surprise, the driver got out of the car to try to find out what happened to the woman.

A few minutes later, the police intervened to regulate traffic, which at around 6 p.m. was very fluid because at that time many children are leaving school. During the procedure, investigators sought to determine whether a grey car circulating in the area had or had no involvement in this incident.

After the initial alarm, the officers were able to determine that, at least initially, the woman had no injuries, as it was evident that she was in good condition and lucid.

Likewise, the woman was assisted by the emergency service to rule out any type of injury or wound that was not detectable with the naked eye. Once the prevention operation ended, the authorities released traffic in this busy area.


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