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Metro manager after accident on cable car

04:34 PM

Antioquia woke up in the early hours of Wednesday with unfortunate news that occurred for the first time in 20 years of service: one of the cable cars of the Line K metrocable derailed, leaving one dead and 21 injured, of which 12 were seriously injured and have already been discharged.

In an interview with THE COLOMBIAN, with the manager of the Medellín Metro, Tomás Elejalde, explained the points to follow after this emergency that mourns the people of Antioquia.

Is there a plan to attend all types of events in the Medellín Metro?

“The company organizes emergency management and is based on analyzing the risks and threats that it has and that may arise in any means of transport. What happened with the metrocable has also happened in the world.”

Find out: What caused the cable car tragedy in northeastern Medellín?

“Emergencies can have different levels (this one was level 3). Yesterday’s emergency was attended to by several emergency agencies in the city, who were involved and participated in dealing with the event.”

What should I do as a user if I witness an accident on any line of the Medellín Metro system?

“A user must be attentive to the information that the company provides on the correct use of transportation. This is based on not crossing the yellow line, letting people exit and enter and not running in stations. You should also identify the safety features outside, for example, a gondola lift has a communication system to speak to Metro staff in case of any need. You must know the signs that are marked at each station.”

Read more: Metrocable Line K would be out of service for two weeks after a tragic accident in Medellín

What is the health status of the people who were injured?

“There is very encouraging news about 12 people who were involved in the accident who have already been discharged, that information gives us encouragement and hope.”

Will the corresponding support be provided to those affected and the family of the deceased?

“There is a prevention and protection methodology, but if none of them work, there is an insurance policy that comes to accompany the family members. “This applies to all those affected by the emergency.”

What work will be done to regain the trust of metrocable users after this event?

“It is completely normal to have feelings of anxiety and fear. This is a purely human issue that is part of any scenario, like when you get on a plane and an accident happens. There is no zero risk and we work to ensure that the system is always safe.”

What is going to be done with line K of the metrocable?

“We are going to conduct an objective and transparent investigation. The second thing is that, before putting the system into operation, for which we have no date, we will carry out tests and certifications again as if we were putting a new system into operation. We are going to do this before putting the service into service for the community so that there is confidence.”

Read more: Videos and photos | Medellín metrocable cabin collapses: these are the moments of panic

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