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“It made me really want to vomit” – Publimetro Chile

Carmen Tuitera does not mince words when giving her opinion on various topics, this is well known by those who follow her on social networks and those who have faced her on the same platforms, and so, true to her style, revealed her position on a sector of feminism in the country that set the networks on fire.

It all started after being invited to the program “Ropa tendida” on La Metro FM, where she was asked about her position on feminismmoment in which he launched himself with everything.

“I believe that today in Chile there is a sector of our country, I’m going to say it in so many words, the left, which has taken over feminism, which tells us what to do, how to be, how we should be to be good feminists, that has made me really want to vomit,” said Carmen Tuitera in the space where she also assured that politics is not in her plans.

Explanation on their social networks

After this, and after a debate began to be generated on the radio space’s networks, the businesswoman and influencer decided to go deeper into explaining her position on her social media accounts, where she elaborated.

“There is a very special group in Chilean feminism. Many of them were necessary for the great changes in our country. But somewhere they transformed into “beings of light.” Those who decide who they are and who are feminists“, the message begins.

Then he continues indicating that “they know a lot about history but the history that they choose. They perpetuate the historical debt. What exists with men who have really been privileged but do not advance and do they know why they do not advance? Because like them they were the ones chosen. They decide. There is not a single type of feminism as they do not make us believe. Because in his mind we are all uneducated and poor things,” he added.

Finally, he closes by saying that “There is life beyond radical feminism,” while she assured that she left “the wailing wall open.” where he received all kinds of comments, from insults to praise for his words.

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