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Preparations are underway for Summer 2024 in Matanzas

Next Saturday, June 29, Summer 2024 will officially begin in Matanzas. During a meeting to check the preparations, the governor of the territory, Marieta Poey Zamora, confirmed the progress on each of the city’s beaches.

The first secretary of the PCC In the municipality, Víctor González Imbert, pointed out that lighting on schedule is one of the issues to be resolved on most of the coasts. Currently, all beaches have a restored children’s playground, except for Allende.

On the beach El Mamey progress continues on the repair of the shack. Ox Cow maintains constructive actions in the premises for the sale of gastronomic products and in the downspouts to the beach area.

For his part in Yugoslavia The amount of stones in the bathing area is worrying, while in La Caridad the repair of the bathrooms was completed. El Bahía beach, one of the best preserved throughout the year, is working on problems with water in public showers.

In Allende, the repair actions in premises for the sale of gastronomic products stand out. The Ranchon Tennis The restoration of some benches and umbrellas is still pending, as well as the construction of a path to facilitate access to the beach area.

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