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Negotiations began to improve the amounts of private medical benefits

The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Luis Medina Ruiz, held a meeting with the Minister of Government, Regino Amado, and the president of the Tucumán Medical College, Dr. Héctor Sale, to analyze these strategies.

“We were looking at some issues that arise in the Medical College, such as the value of the provincial social security order and other situations that we can resolve. It was a constructive meeting and we have agreed to have a new meeting next Monday with the Health Subsidy intervenor, Dr. German Gramajoto specify this that has already been resolved at the request of the governor Osvaldo Jaldo“, the minister commented.

For his part, the Government Minister, Regino Amadoexplained that during the meeting they discussed various current issues of interest in the private medical sector. “We have many points to analyze considering the current economic situation in the country, which means that the parameters are not what one would like and that in some way harms the actions or income of the members,” he stressed.

Finally, the president of the Medical College of Tucumán, Dr. Hector Salecommented: “We were received by the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Luis Medina Ruizsince we came from our institution to raise a problem that we private doctors have regarding the necessary updating of the values, both for consultations and practices of social works.”

The representative also clarified that they had a very good reception from the Minister of Government and Justice, Regino Amadowho promised to contact the intervenor of the Subsidio de Salud social work, Dr. German Gramajoto resolve the problem. We want to reassure all doctors working in the private sector and we are satisfied that the ministers have shown themselves to be completely open and willing to engage in dialogue with the institutions,” he concluded.

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