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Cuba Plus Magazine Guyana witness of Caribbean integration

The publication includes articles reflecting on achievements in Cuban and Guyanese health and culture, economic relations between the two Caribbean nations, as well as promotions of tourism products, natural beauty and architecture.

Soave recounted the main milestones of Cuba Plus, going back to the first printed issue in 2006, and announced a big party to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the publication in 2026. He also referred to the success of Cuba Plus Latinos with 40 thousand subscribers in the United States.

In exclusive statements to Prensa Latina, Dominic explained that he was invited by the Presidents of the Agency to carry out this project, with the idea that the magazine would not only be read abroad, but also have a presence in Cuba and that could be achieved. thanks to Prensa Latina.

He also said that the success of Cuba Plus is due to the fact that it has never stopped publishing, it even continued publishing throughout the Covid19 pandemic and emphasized the importance of the magazine to spread the reality of Cuba around the world.

Cuba Plus Guyana was presented in the context of the day of that country and among those present was its ambassador to Cuba, Abdool Halim Majeed, who praised the quality of the relations between Cuba and his nation, ties that already have half a century of history.



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