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1 in 700,000 cases: the birth of quadruplets that revolutionized Córdoba

Thursday 27.6.2024


Last update 20:05

Erika is 42 years old and was born in the city of Córdoba. Together with her partner, they had 4 daughters and longed to have a son. The big surprise is that Jordan, the wanted baby, came accompanied by three more sisters: Laura, Angeline and Victoria.

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The quadruplets were born this Wednesday at the Brigadier General Juan Bautista Bustos Provincial Maternity Hospital in the capital of Córdoba. The news revolutionized the country since this type of birth is very atypical and “It occurs 1 in 700,000. In Argentina, there could be one every one or two years”Luis Ahumada, director of La Maternidad, the hospital where the four babies were born, told El Litoral.

The name of the newborn quadruplets. Courtesy: The Voice

“I found out that I was pregnant with quadruplets from minute 0 when I went to do the ultrasound to verify my pregnancy. He was 2 months old and it was news that surprised me and everyone,” recalled Erika, the babies’ mother, and expressed that: “It was a mixture of joy and fear. At that moment you go through a lot of emotions, it’s inexplicable.”

Risk pregnancy

During the gestation of 4 babies, there may be several types of controllable risk factors. “The mother may have premature births, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia (hypertension caused by pregnancy),” explained Dr. Ahumada. As for the babies, “they run their own risk of prematurity. In some cases, they may share a placenta, which means they share circulations and there are different diseases that are related to this situation.”

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In this particular case, Erika began her check-ups at 16 weeks and continued until 30. “In the meantime, she had two hospitalizations due to threatened premature labor that were stopped with medication,” said the director of the Maternity Hospital. “She is doing very well, we are not discharging her so she can be close to the babies.

Regarding the quadruplets, they are in very good condition hospitalized in the neonatology area. “Laura has a small malformation in the left lung, she is still on a respirator and with low parameters, she can be intubated at any time. The other two babies are on non-invasive ventilation and the boy can now breathe without problems,” the doctor confirmed.

A special birth

With the arrival of 4 premature babies, the Maternity team had to make more professionals available than in a typical birth. In this sense, the director of the Hospital said that “we specially equipped the room with resuscitation and reception equipment, we already had the incubators ready with all the elements to receive them.”

The doctors who assisted the woman during pregnancy and childbirth. Courtesy

In numbers, the doctor specified that: “For each of the babies, there were two neonatologists and a nurse. In addition, there was another nurse, an instrumentalist, two anesthesiologists and three obstetricians who performed the cesarean section.”

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Erika decided to travel from Trelew, where she lived, to Córdoba to monitor her pregnancy and have her babies because she has “Córdoba medicine as a reference.” In conversation with this media, she said that at the Hospital, she found “excellent human quality” and said excitedly that “she has nothing but words of gratitude.”

Milei sponsorship?

Law 20,843 establishes the sponsorship of the president of the nation for the seventh child (male or female) of a child of the same sex. Thus, the Executive grants his godson an annual financial contribution and a study scholarship that includes everything from primary school to university.

This initiative was born from the myth of the “werewolf” – or lobizón in Argentina. In Russia, it was believed that the seventh male child turned into this mythical creature; as for women, it was thought that they turned into witches. The only solution for them to maintain human form was for the tsars to sponsor them.

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In the case of quadruplets (3 girls and a boy), since they already have 4 older sisters, One of the babies could be Javier Milei’s goddaughter, being her first “sponsorship” during the administration, “The one who was born third is Victoria, she is the seventh. “No one has contacted us or the family about this issue yet,” said the director of the Maternity Hospital.

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