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Break #334: Without bread and without work, Milei’s first semester

A special edition on the first six months of the Milei Era

Get ready because the worst is yet to come
Employment, GDP and wages plummet. Without money in your pocket, the crisis will continue to deepen even more. Milei wants to reduce the fever by returning a corpse to the country.

Debt, a vicious circle
The most disadvantaged sectors are going into debt to buy food. The risk of paying the minimum on the card and the need for financial education.

Dining rooms: adding more water to the stew
The cooks juggle to face the increase in demand with fewer resources than ever: we dialogue with social leaders in the city.

If (you don’t) find me, in the bars…
Santa Fe’s gastronomic industry is reeling. Consumption fell by 40% and in the last two months there were 170 layoffs. A pandemic, but without a virus.

The world of work in the Milei era
We spoke with political scientist and Fundar analyst Joan Vezzato about labor reforms, the impact of the DNU and the Ley Bases, and the growing concern about unemployment.

Public transport: kill the interior
Milei took discrimination to another level and eliminated subsidies for inland transportation: God serves in Buenos Aires.

How dangerous it is for kids to read
The government cut funds for popular libraries and seeks to dismantle Conabip. Province and Municipality do not stand out for their support either.

The Evita Games will also be pruned
Sports and social health policy will be reduced by half. Half a million children, seniors and people with disabilities will lose their benefits.

We all are, we all were, we all will be (precarious)
Job instability disguised as personal improvement: welcome to the magnificent world of moonlighting.

Also, a chronicle of the Alternative Youth Art Day (JAJA)the columns of Federico Coutaz, Analia Giordanino and Adrian Brecha and the back cover of Rebo Perez.


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