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The electric companies that charge the highest energy rates in Colombia

The electricity companies that charge the highest energy rates in Colombia. Image: courtesy of Andesco

Colombian Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Ricardo Bonilla, in his speech at the Andesco Congress, announced the ranking of the companies that have the most expensive energy rates in Colombia.

This is the ranking of 28 electricity companies and their energy rates (from the highest to the lowest):

According to data from MinHacienda, the top ten with the highest energy rates in Colombia are:

  • Air with a unit cost (the kilowatt) of $1,186 ($460 for generation; $148 distribution; $375 marketing; $104 losses; $48 transmission; $50 restrictions)

  • Afinia with $1,128 per kilowatt ($397 for generation; $217 distribution; $225 marketing; $190 losses; $48 transmission; $51 restrictions)

  • Emevasi – Sibundoy with $1,066 per kilowatt ($432 for generation; $244 distribution; $222 marketing; $78 losses; $48 transmission; $42 restrictions)

  • CEO – Cauca with $1,025 per kilowatt ($396 for generation; $251 distribution; $202 marketing; $86 losses; $48 transmission; $41 restrictions)

  • EDEQ – Quindio with $1,023 per kilowatt ($390 for generation; $286 distribution; $194 marketing; $70 losses; $48 transmission; $35 restrictions)

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  • Enelar – Arauca with $1,019 per kilowatt ($416 for generation; $257 distribution; $181 marketing; $60 losses; $48 transmission; $57 restrictions)

  • Celsia – Tolima with $1,019 per kilowatt ($387 for generation; $257 distribution; $190 marketing; $100 losses; $48 transmission; $37 restrictions)

  • CHEC – Caldas with $1,016 per kilowatt ($391 for generation; $286 distribution; $182 marketing; $71 losses; $48 transmission; $38 restrictions)

  • Cedenar – Nariño with $1,001 per kilowatt ($370 for generation; $251 distribution; $219 marketing; $69 losses; $48 transmission; $44 restrictions)

  • Electrocaquetá with $997 per kilowatt ($398 for generation; $244 distribution; $170 marketing; $92 losses; $48 transmission; $46 restrictions)

“This is the cost of energy, this is the cost we currently have and the company that has it highest is Air-e with $1,186 per kilowatt, which is influenced by $460 of the generation cost, because it also buys on the stock market: it is a discussion of who buys on the stock market and who doesn’t,” said Minister Bonilla.

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How to reduce the cost of energy? We must work in three areas to reduce itaccording to Bonilla:

One, look at the impact of marketers buying more energy on the stock market than on the market. “That means observing how the commercialization of that generation can occur.”

Two, evaluate how to reduce net losses. “In the Air-e and Afinia contracts there is a commitment to make investments to reduce those losses, that means more technology.”

And third, that the charges for tariff options are not passed on to the consumer.

“The Government’s decision is to assume the tariff option and this is what we have. We are going to assume what can be done, according to the Public Services Law: which means that we can only subsidize strata 1, 2 and 3. The debt per rate option is $4.7 billion and the lowest strata add up to $2 .7 billion,” indicated the Minister of Finance.

How is it going to be assumed? The official recalled that the mechanism of this movement is being built, but assured that it already has a large base. and “it is that, since the Development Plan, Findeter was enabled to deliver credits with a compensated rate to operators to finance the tariff option: $1 billion was delivered.”

And he reiterated that There is another billion that is earmarked for the same purpose and is set out in a decree pending signature. “That means that Findeter has $2 billion to deliver,” said Bonilla.

According to the head of the Treasury portfolio, this does not mean that the Government is not assuming responsibility, but that the marketing companies are invited to use Findeter’s credit “in such a way that we leave enough time for the Government to process in Congress, starting next July 20, a law that allows it to assume this debt, because today we do not have that mechanism.”

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It is worth mentioning that The National Government’s commitment to energy marketers is that, as they receive the resources, they will remove the tariff option from the bill.

“This means a price reduction of approximately 10% of what it costs on the coast – where it is more concentrated. Meanwhile, the Government continues working on the expectation of creating other mechanisms for electrification of the country,” said Bonilla.

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