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Departmental Care System ‘Red Abrigo Boyacá’ adds another important ally

The Secretariat of Social Integration signed a memorandum of understanding to work with the International Organization for Migration to strengthen this initiative.

Tunja, June 26, 2024. (UACP). The ‘Red Abrigo Boyacá’ Departmental Care System is the most important social commitment of the Boyacá Grande government.

The strategy, led by social manager Daniela Assis, aims to redistribute, recognize and reduce care work with a rural and peasant perspective, understanding the context of dispersed rurality in the department of Boyacá.

To this end, the Secretariat for Social Integration and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) signed a memorandum of understanding to work together on mental health, well-being, maternal and child health and care for people in migrant status in the municipalities that will be part of the ‘Red Abrigo Boyacá’.

This memorandum was materialized through the delivery of 40 ‘sweet coat’ kits that have elements such as towels, blankets, a change of clothes, diaper rash cream, diapers and other items necessary for the proper care of boys and girls from 0 to 3 months and their mothers.

“This is the anteroom; We know that very important articulations are coming to guarantee vulnerable population groups, such as migrants, decent attention and care,” said Luisa Martínez, Secretary of Social Integration of Boyacá.

For his part, Óscar Ospina, a professional delegate from the IOM, stated that work will also be done to strengthen the technical capacities of public officials in the ‘Abrigo’ territories in caring for migrants.

“We always work hand in hand with the State, in this case, through the Secretariat of Social Integration, we do this to strengthen the integrity of Colombians who return to the country, as well as for the immigrant population that settles in the territories” , Ospina concluded.

With this articulation, the departmental government continues to add strategic allies for the consolidation of the Departmental Care System.

(End/ Laura Salazar – UACP).
Communications and Protocol Administrative Unit.
Boyacá Governorate.

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