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Córdoba threatens with a weekly ‘Hello President’

ANDIn the usually boring island politics, the Formentera crisis has become, as the socialist Rafa Ramírez says, “an anthology of nonsense” that should be captured in a manual on what should never be done in politics. The plenary session held this Thursday in the institution has revealed the unviability of the president’s intention, Llorenç Córdoba, to remain at the head of the Consell with a single councilor, Artal Mayans. And also that he is willing to twist the current legislation to avoid his resignation at any cost. Emulating the Venezuelan Hugo Chávez, Córdoba has come to ensure that, if necessary, he will record a weekly program on YouTube, Hello, Presidentto inform citizens of his management. The plenary sessions in Formentera last an average of five hours. Chávez’s programmes lasted more than six.

Far from reality

Beyond the anecdote, Córdoba has chosen in this session to blame everyone for his situation. And none of the groups is willing to give up councilors to form a new Government Board that allows the Consell to move forward with Córdoba at the helm. On this occasion, it was the socialist Rafa Ramírez who put the points on the ies to a Córdoba that is increasingly distant from its own reality as island president. Ramírez has warned him that he is “in injury time” and has criticized his intention to remain in office at the expense of the interests of the Consell and the residents of Formentera.

In a debate that Córdoba has described as being like a motion of censure, Ramírez has accused the president of “playing the victim when he is the executioner.” And he has underlined the seriousness of his willingness to “change all the rules” to stay “in office.” All this despite the fact that Córdoba has used “governability” as an excuse to justify the assignment to the secretary of new provisions that will allow him to continue at the helm with a government formed solely by Artal Mayans.

The socialist has assured that Córdoba has “kidnapped” both the Consell and the opposition. “If it makes a Hello, president“, Rafa Ramírez commented, “I will see the first one, but it will be the last.”

All skills

The moment in which Córdoba, whispering, responded was also grotesque, addressing Ramírez and questions from the PSOE councillor, Anna Juan, about the issues left unanswered by the previous Government team. The same thing happened when the president blamed the previous councillors of Sa Unió for not having given him information about the ministries that he now manages after their resignations. And it cannot be ignored that Córdoba already has control of practically all the powers of the Consell: primary sector and coast, economic promotion, island administration, mobility, environmental management, territory, infrastructure, education, culture, participation, citizen security, social welfare, physical activity and sports, youth, equality and the elderly. Artal Mayans, for his part, manages Tourism, New Technologies and Housing. “I am a little person,” he said at one point in the plenary session, “I am not Superman.”

They have all made it clear to Córdoba that they are not willing to govern with him. But the most forceful in this regard has been Rafa Ramírez: “We will not govern with you. From now on we are on our way.” A threat related to the motion of censure that the socialists are negotiating with GxF and Compromís and that Córdoba has described as a “challenge” that they do not intend to fulfill.

“Delusional and surreal” plenary session

“This plenary session today is delirium tremens“, said the spokesperson for GxF, Alejandra Ferrer. The minister has also been very harsh in her criticism of Córdoba and has exposed Córdoba by pointing out that “he is only acting like a good man and is not to blame for anything.” Ferrer has described the situation as “surreal” and has reminded Córdoba that, to request a motion of censure, “it is enough to have the numbers, there is no need for great support.”

Alejandra Ferrer has stated that Córdoba “only asks for what is good” for himself. And she has insisted that no one trusts Llorenç Córdoba in Formentera anymore. “Don’t you think there is a sufficient majority to think that he is left alone?” he asked the still president.

The president has finally shown that he has no control over the management of the Consell, as he has not been able to answer basic questions from the opposition such as the reasons why the cafeteria of a sports centre is closed or when and how the honorary recognitions will be given to citizens of the island. Córdoba has always shielded himself by saying that he has no information from the ministries because he has not received the information from the previous leaders, he has challenged the opposition on numerous occasions to present the motion of censure and has insisted that he has no reason to resign when, he added, he has the support of the Consell staff and the citizens.

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