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A pregnant woman had to be assisted

A couple suffered a serious road accident near Junín de los Andes, peror they managed to save themselves by a miracle. The van he was traveling inn ran out of brakes and they fell into the river. The woman had to be assisted.

According to Commissioner Gustavo Muñoz, coordinator of Internal Security Junín de los Andes, the road accident occurred around 6 p.m. on Wednesday, but they learned about the incident around 8 p.m. In dialogue with Diario RÍO NEGRO He explained that the couple was traveling in their truck to a relative’s house.but when reaching a curve They ran out of brakes and lost control of the vehicle.

The couple of approximately 30 years, After losing control of the truck they ended up getting lost and then, They fell into a river located in the sector known as Piedra Mala. Although the impact was strong, Both the man and the woman managed to get out on their own. and they walked to a nearby house to ask for help.

The commissioner indicated that the first to arrive were fire personnel to rescue the vehicle, and health personnel to assist the seven-month pregnant woman who reported having some pain. After a review The woman was transferred to the hospital in Junín de los Andes and there any serious injury was ruled out, in additionThey assured that her pregnancy was fortunately safe..

Muñoz added that she was interviewed at the hospital about what happened. and she confirmed that it was all due to a mechanical failure ruling out the possibility of another vehicle involved.


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