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San Jorge de Pereira is a hospital without financial risk: Minsalud

San Jorge de Pereira is a hospital without financial risk: Minsalud

  • The opinion issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection confirms the good moment that the San Jorge Hospital in Pereira is experiencing, which presented positive financial and operational figures at the 2023 public accountability hearing.

Pereira, June 27, 2024. More than 10,800 patients are treated each month in the different areas of the San Jorge de Pereira University Hospital, according to the results of the first quarter of this year, presented this Thursday at the 2023 public accountability hearing, a result that tends to a continuous improvement, thanks to the actions of Governor Juan Diego Patiño Ochoa, in the sense of providing the necessary tools to the administrative and medical staff to maintain a high standard at the San Jorge University Hospital.

The manager of the Hospital, Javier Alejandro Gaviria Murillo, noted that last year overall the number of people treated amounted to 129,109, that is, 25% more compared to 2022, when that figure was 102,900.

Thanks to this trend, the hospital’s figures in terms of billing, collection and decrease in accounts payable have had a highly positive performance. The ESE collects 101% of what it invoices, and of the collections, 25% corresponds to portfolio recovery.

For example, in 2023 the Hospital closed with a turnover of $194,099 million and a monthly average of $16,174 million, with an increase of 23% compared to 2022.

The months with the highest turnover were May with $18,394 million and June with $16,909. Regarding collections, these reached $192,925 million with a monthly average of $16,077 million and an increase of 52% compared to 2022. The months with the highest collections were May with $19,456 million and December with $18,519 million.

At the end of the year, the hospital’s portfolio reached $190,254 million, owed by 24 entities, of which $120,387 million correspond to the subsidized regime and $26,666 million to the contributory regime. And of that grand total, $95,933 million are the accounts owed by five EPS intervened or liquidated by the national government.

After highlighting that in 2023 the San Jorge Hospital executed a total budget of $250,260 million, 23% more than in 2022, Gaviria Murillo reported that in the most recent risk categorization of social enterprises in the state at the territorial level, the Hospital San Jorge was declared ‘risk-free’ for the period of 2024. This was stated in resolution 980 of 2024 signed by the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo Martínez.

In his report to the community, manager Gaviria Murillo also highlighted that the Hospital reached a user satisfaction rate of 92.26% last year compared to a goal of 90%, and so far in the first quarter of 2024 that indicator was of 91.14% with a goal of 90%.

He also pointed out that San Jorge has 23 projects registered on the platform of Biennial Public Investment Plans in Health, 16 of them already approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and seven in the process of review, which will allow substantial physical improvements. and provision of biomedical equipment.

Finally, he indicated that the hospital has 26 teaching-service agreements in force with educational centers, both national and foreign, for the recruitment of 500 students per semester at the technical and undergraduate level and specializations such as psychiatry, internal medicine, critical medicine and intensive care, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery and plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

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