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Is Miami businessman Frank Cuspinera, owner of the Cuban Costco, arrested in Cuba?

Diplomarket, the so-called Costco Cuban, and its owner, the Cuban-American businessman from Miami Frank Cuspinera, would apparently be the most recent victims of the attack by the military elite of the dictatorship against private initiative on the island.

According to unofficial versions received by the independent site in USA La Tijera, directed by the Cuban exile Juan Echazábal, who revealed this information, military forces from Raúl Castro’s emporium, GAESA, intervened on Diplomarket on June 20, they would have closed it arbitrarily and both Cuspinera and his wife would be incommunicado.

The report of the closure of the so-called Cuban Costo has already been reported by other independent media such as Cubanet and Cibercuba.

The latter cited sources who confirmed to him that Diplomarket was intervened without the regime previously notifying its owner Frank Cuspinera, who, according to these sources, is accused of tax evasion, currency trafficking and money laundering.

For its part, the Cubanet site mentions unofficial versions of this closure in a possible break between Cuspinera and Raúl Guillermo Rodríguez Castro, the Crab, Raúl Castro’s escort grandson, and also cites the accusations of tax evasion and money laundering.

According to these unofficial versions, which until the time of preparing this report the Cuban regime has neither confirmed nor denied, the government would have waited until the closing of June 20 to break into Diplomarket and confiscate all its assets to then arrest Cuspinera and his wife, Camila, and later, apparently, distribute the confiscated assets among the members of the Castro leadership.

On its Facebook profile, Diplomat’s last post dates back to a Father’s Day promotion on June 16.

Approximately a year ago, only two videos published on its YouTube profile show a visit by its employees with gifts to a center for children without affiliate protection in Cuba.

According to Cubanet, Diplomarket operated in the Berroa warehouses, in East Havana, with links to a Cuban commercial company, Albus SA

A report by the independent site 14yMedio stated that Diplomat started selling its products at very high prices, but in Cuban pesos, and later charged only in dollars in cash.

The store belongs to the American company Las Américas TCC Corporation, created in 2011, here in Florida, and whose vice president is Frank Cuspinera Medina, who since 2021 would have his domicile already fixed in Havana and who also, as reported by 14yMedio, in that same 2021 signed a letter asking the Biden administration to end the United States sanctions against the Cuban regime.


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