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They call for the first “Mapping of Actors and Entrepreneurs of the Argentine Sports Industry”: Mendoza Government Press

The Sports Coordination of the Argentine Foreign Ministry, in collaboration with the Undersecretariat of Productive Management and the Undersecretariat of Sports, has launched the call for the first “Mapping of Actors and Entrepreneurs of the Argentine Sports Industry”.

ProMendoza extends the invitation to companies, startupssports clubs and associations, as well as academic institutions, accelerators and incubators in the province. The main objective is to strengthen the Argentine sports ecosystem in international markets and take advantage of the business and internationalization opportunities it offers.

The deadline to participate in this call ends on August 15, 2024. The mapping is proposed as a collaborative and scalable platform to enhance synergies, business opportunities, strategic alliances and complementarity between the various actors in the Argentine sports sector.

Among the specific objectives are promoting a greater exportable supply of goods and services related to sports, promoting the internationalization of Argentine sports and its associated industries, as well as promoting business development within the national sports ecosystem.

The entities and organizations invited to participate are: startups and Argentine SMEs dedicated to goods, services and technologies applied to sports, accelerators and incubators that support initiatives in this area, sports associations, academic institutions that offer sports training programs and research and innovation centers linked to the sports sector.

This call represents a significant opportunity to strengthen the international presence of Argentine sport and its key players, thus promoting growth and innovation in the country’s sports industry.

“Once the mapping has been analyzed, we aim to create reports and periodic communications that allow the sector to know what offers, trends and possibilities are available to them. At the same time, it will allow us to identify business opportunities abroad through the presence of our 160 representations abroad, inviting and assisting those companies that wish to participate in sectoral trade missions, fairs and any event abroad,” indicated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To be part of it, you must register at the following link.


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