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Mexican is totally surprised in supermarket

VIDEOS| “Chileans live in 2050”: Mexican is totally surprised in supermarket

Olaff Marín, a Mexican resident in Chile, could not help but observe some daily actions that are carried out in supermarkets in our country. “In Mexico we have never done that,” he said, asking for more advice, receiving some hilarious ones.

He tiktokero Soy.Olaff said “Chileans live in 2025”, going viral when he was amazed by a everyday action that supermarket customers do In our country.

His surprise was so great that he decided to record How yogurt containers are transported on the side of cartsreacting with a “wtf!”

“Chileans live in 2050In Mexico we never arrange yogurts like this in the cart.”, he launched in his video that travels the networks.

“The first time I came to the supermarket and The person I came with did it, I said ‘WTF!’ “Why do they put it like that? But, I already saw that yes, it is normal,” he added.

It’s more, asked for advice on other behaviors that are made in Chile, receiving hilarious comments.

Another trick is to add avocados and weigh them for tomatoes.“, “another trick is change the vetoed loin label for 1 kilo of bread” and “Bring spoons for the children to eat yogurt“, were the sizes that were read in the comments.


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