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Johnny Depp’s alleged bodyguard was inspected live: he got laughs for his “Spanglish” | TV and Show

This morning, as usual, a live inspection was carried out, attended by Channel 13’s morning show, Tu Día, who captured a funny moment with an alleged Johnny Depp’s bodyguard.

It all happened when a black Mercedes Benz car was stopped by police personnel to check its documents, however, the fact that the windows were down caught the attention of the hosts, who asked the reporter on the ground to speak to the driver.

When Delfina Gómez, the journalist, approached she discovered that the man was speaking to her in English to Carabineros officials: “I’m from the United States (…) I live here, I lived overseas for 29 years, but… I also speak Spanish“He said suddenly in perfect Spanish.

The drastic change brought laughter from the animators in the studio: “He looked like…”, José Luis Reppening managed to say, laughing. When asked what he did for a living, the man again answered in English: “Bodyguard”.

After that, he explained that he is Chilean, however, he lived for several years in the United States and that he returned to the country a year ago.

“Everything is in order,” the journalist told him when the police returned his documents, to which he replied: “Of course I do, I don’t want to get in trouble”again in English.

Regarding his work as a bodyguard, the man, who identified himself as Patrick, assured that he was in the army in the United States and that he was even a police officer.

But in addition to that, he served as a bodyguard for actor Johnny Depp: “In New York, I lived in Chicago (…) I once worked with Johnny Depp, for a production company. He is a very nice person. You couldn’t really mix with them, it was just driving around with them in cars.“, he explained.

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