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He assured that they are going to look for Loan in the animals’ bellies

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichhe stated this Thursday in an interview that is going to ”go with everything” in search of Loan Danilo Peñathe child who disappeared 14 days ago in Corrientes.

“Now I’m going to go all out. I’m going with diversI’m going to go with the mountain personnel that I’m bringing,” said the minister, who later corrected herself and clarified that she was referring to ”mountain staff”since in the area of ​​the disappearance there is a ”mountain area”.

But then, Bullrich expanded the possibilities and detailed: “I’m going to go with radiological equipment to see if (sic) the animals’ bellies. I’m going to go with everything”in a television interview for LN+.

Bullrich belly of animals.mp4

Patricia Bullrich on the Loan case: “We do not rule out that they took him out of the country”

In television statements, the head of the Security portfolio stated: “All these expertises are going to be reconfirmed, They will be looked at again and analyzed in depth.. It is the only expertise that indicates that Loan could have been in a car. There is a moment that we have to reconstruct and think about to know what it could have been like if that was the operation to extract the boy from that field.”

The La Libertad Avanza (LLA) official mentioned the importance of continuing the search in the search for Loan. “We also talked about two very important things. First, follow the trail because they are areas that in some places are plains but in other places they are not. “There are all kinds of animals, places with very dense scrubland, places in the estuary,” he said.

The Government does not rule out Loan’s departure to Paraguay

In statements with TN, Bullrich mentions the possibility that Loan may have been kidnapped and taken to Paraguay: “We did not rule it out and that is why I was with the head of Paraguayan intelligence, they are working with us. Many calls have come to 134 with hypotheses from Paraguay and they responded immediately.”

And I add: “I have informed the President of the Nation and the conversations are conversations that we have to have in the privacy of a Cabinet. I have informed him about what has happened and I will continue in that direction.”

Anticipating the next measures that will be taken by the Executive Branch, Bullrich said that “we will see what the decision will be, If there are going to be more people from the Ministry who will be at the side of the judge and the prosecutors“That’s what we’re going to decide today.”

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