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Founders of National School Games awarded › Sports › Granma

The National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder) awarded the 60th Edition of the National School Games Seal on Thursday, on the esplanade of the Anti-Imperialist Tribune in the Cuban capital, to a group of its founders.

The day was full of emotions for those sporting glories of today, who, on that night of August 22, 1963, witnessed as protagonists the opening act of a competition planned by the leader of the Revolution, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz .

Almost four dates have passed for the inauguration of such an important event scheduled for July 1 to 15, these are many living stories of an entire glorious generation, in charge of giving valuable triumphs to the country.

Names of distinguished men and women athletes such as volleyball players Mercedes (Mamita) Pérez, Margarita Mayeta, Idalmis Gato, Yumilka Ruiz, along with exponents of athletics with well-known figures such as Juan Morales, Hermes Ramirez, Enrique Figuerola and others received such high praise. distinction from the president of Inder, Osvaldo Vento Montilier.

It was, without a doubt, a unique occasion to revere, converse with and pay homage to such outstanding luminaries. In this regard, Granma spoke with Hermes Ramírez, who referred to his participation in these competitions conceived by our Commander in Chief Fidel, in which I obtained three medals in my first games and two in the second. With these results I reached the national athletics team.

For their part, Margarita Mayeta Hierrezuelo and Mamita Pérez commented on the importance of the National School Games for the Cuban sports system, there was a lot of rivalry between all the teams, they wanted to win at any price.

Retired baseball players such as Rodolfo Puente and Germán Mesa also shared their experiences of participating in the most important competition for the island’s sports system.

You always deserve to be recognized, said the head of the Cuban sports organization, Osvaldo Vento, while Margarita Mayeta, speaking on behalf of the honorees, alluded to Fidel’s influence on our revolutionary sport.

For now, the nearby sports festival will bring together the new generations of athletes from the Greater Antilles in 31 sports disciplines convened throughout the country, even with the presence of invited foreign delegations.

The inauguration is scheduled for this Monday at the Mártires de Barbados Sports Initiation School (EIDE) in the Capital of All.

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