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Invías suspends works on the river for protection

The National Institute of Roads (Invías) suspended emergency protection works in the eroded areas of the river in the municipality of Salamis, Magdalene, since June 11, 2024, according to information supported by minutes published by the same government agency.

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Invías states that the reasons supporting said request are related to the high levels of the Magdalena rivertaking into account that in recent days there has been an increase in water levels.

Given this situation, it is difficult to “install the flexible articulated formwork in the lower part of the structure. This is because the lower level of the installation of the formwork according to the design corresponds to the level of 3.0 meters above sea level and currently the river is at a level of 3.62 meters above sea level. That is, 0.62 meters above the level needed for the installation of the formwork, which makes its installation difficult.”

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Another reason for the suspension of the works is the delays in the supply of the flexible formwork by the supplier.

“As indicated in the attached document issued by the firm GEOMATRIX based in Colombia, where this supplier certifies the delays in the delivery of the input “textile for flexible formwork”, which becomes a cause that does not allow continuity with the installation of the flexible formwork item in the protection work,” reads the minutes.

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In view of the situation, the Comprehensive Magdalena Emergency Consortium 2022 argued that, due to situations beyond his control responsibilityit was requested to suspend the construction contract No. 1307 of 2022 “for a period of 30 days from the aforementioned date (June 11, 2024), to which the supervisory office issues its suspension GUARANTEE for the term and conditions requested.”

However, the document stated that the contract must be resumed on the date indicated in this document “without the need to prepare and sign a resumption document.”

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“The contract is not understood to be suspended and resumed without the signature on the SECOP platform of the official of the You were sending empowered to sign the minutes in accordance with the current delegation of functions,” the minutes were announced.

Three key points, according to the Invías document:

  1. The suspension date (June 11, 2024) must correspond to the suspension date indicated on the SECOP platform; Consequently, the date indicated on the platform takes precedence over that indicated in this format.
  2. The resumption date (July 11, 2024) must correspond to the reactivation date indicated on the SECOP platform; Consequently, the date indicated on the platform takes precedence over that indicated in this format.

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