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Insecurity is the scourge of Bogotá, Medellín and Cali, according to Invamer

05:11 PM

Insecurity is the most serious problem in the three main cities of Colombia, where the majority of victims consulted They reported having suffered theftsaccording to the most recent survey by the firm Invamer.

In Bogotá, the 60.5% feel insecure, 25% very insecure, 13.4% sure and 1.1% very sure. The victimization rate rose from 44% to 53% between April and June of this year (people who reported having been victims of a crime), although only half of those affected (51.1%) filed a complaint with the authorities.

31.9% of those consulted in the capital stated that in the last year it was victim of theft from people (robbery, tickling, raping, fraud, deception, millionaire ride, etc.); followed by 11.9% who suffered vehicle theft and 9.5% who were involved in fights and beatings.

The matter is so delicate that the 56.5% of Bogota residents considered that the city’s main problem is insecurity, followed far behind by 6.3% who believe that unemployment is the most serious issue.

Medellin residents share the same concerns, but to a lesser extent. 22.3% said that insecurity is the worst problem, and 14.7% unemployment.

Unlike other times of disturbed public order, 47.5% said they felt unsafe in Medellín, compared to 43.6% who felt safe; 6.9% expressed that they felt very insecure, and 2% very safe.

Even so, the victimization rate grew from 30.3% to 34.1% between April and June. And here is an interesting fact: although it is a lower index than that of Bogotá, 71% of citizens refused to file a complaint.

Regarding the crimes suffered in the last year, 19.8% suffered theft from people and 8.5% suffered extortion.

In Cali, 48.7% of those surveyed estimated that the most serious problem in the city is insecurity, followed by 12.5% ​​who cited unemployment.

53.7% said they felt unsafe and 19.4% very unsafe, compared to 23.3% of Cali residents who feel safe.

As in the other two cities, the victimization rate rose between April and June, from 31.8% to 39.8%; Of those affected, 53.6% filed the respective complaints. 24.4% were victims of theft from people, followed by theft from vehicles, with 6.4%.

The survey was carried out on 1,400 people from six cities between June 15 and 23 (400 in Bogotá and 200 in Medellín and Cali), according to Invamer.

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