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When is Sweetness Week 2024 in Argentina | In July

The Sweetness Week 2024 It is one of the most anticipated by those who like to taste those delicious sweets and give sweets to loved ones with this gesture of kindness.

At the same time, it also represents a great opportunity for businesses dedicated to the sale of candies, alfajores, and chocolates your sales rebound this yearwhich is characterized by a serious economic crisis and a drop in the purchasing power of workers.

When does Sweetness Week 2024 start?

The Week of Sweetness 2024 It starts this Monday, July 1st and will run until Sunday, July 7th. at the initiative of the private sector.

The origin of this initiative dates back to 1989 when the Association of Distributors of Sweets, Cookies and Related Products (ADGyA), led at that time by the founder of Arcor, Fulvio Paganiestablished the celebration during the first week of July.

At that time, the motto was established “a treat for a kiss” which extended over time, and managed to increase candy sales by 20% during that week.

However, in recent years the celebration was used to make a nice gesture with any other person who is appreciated, beyond the romantic sense.

In this way, the Sweetness week is not limited only to couples, but also promotes kind gestures towards the beings dears, family and friends. This festival seeks generate environments more pleasant in the places of job and foment the kindness and mutual care.

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