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Cobach reports 3.8% school dropout in San Luis Potosí – El Sol de San Luis

The general director of the system College of Bachelors in San Luis Potosí (COBACH) Ricardo Daniel Centeno Trejo, recognized a school dropout of 8 percent in all educational institutions in the State, this phenomenon occurs mainly because young people join the productive ranks.

Compared to previous years, In the last administration there was a school dropout rate of more than 8 percentIn 2023, the figure was 4.6 percent, but in 2024, the figure reached 3.8 percent, a fact that was described as positive.

The statistics went down, he said, because there is a greater commitment on the part of the teachers, the administrators, but above all the young people who are increasingly trying harder at school “and obviously, well, what are we doing?” trying to encourage them so that young people stay, have that great sense of belonging with the institution’s High School College.”

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In 2024, nearly 8,600 students graduated from the educational institutionof which Only 200 are in the process of regularization to complete their certification processes, “they fully complied with everything in their subjects, and those who are currently undergoing regularization, well, they are the young people who fell behind with some subject, but well, they are already in the process of completing that certification process.” regularization, their studies.”

Upon leaving the 40 campuses and the 30 Distance Higher Secondary Education Centers (EMSAD), it has been recorded that 45 percent of its graduates manage to stay in institutions such as the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosíbut also in technological ones.

For the 2024-2025 school year, between 11,500 and 12,000 students will enroll, with the largest campuses in the capital, such as 01, 26, and 28, obviously being those with the largest concentration of the school community. In Ciudad Valles, there are large campuses such as 06, 24, and 28, which will also have a strong reception of students.

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