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The governors of the Central Region outline a joint claim for the debt that Anses has with the provinces – Paralelo32

Governor Rogelio Frigerio, together with his peers from Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, and from Córdoba, Martin Llaryora, led a new meeting of the Central Region, where they outlined a joint presentation to the Nation for the debt that Anses has with the respective Savings Banks. Retirements. “We want what belongs to us by right and by law,” he said.

“Today what unites us is this historic claim, because it is not from this government, it is an old claim from the provinces that have decided – many of them by constitutional mandate – not to transfer their provincial pension funds and that they have equal treatment with those that have made the decision to transfer them to Anses,” said the Entre Ríos governor during his speech this Thursday, at the meeting that took place in the White Room of the Government House in the city of Santa Fe.

The meeting focused on agreeing on a common strategy for the Central Region to make a formal presentation on the problem they share, which is the failure of the national State to comply with its legal commitment to finance the deficits of the pension systems not transferred to its area.

In this context, the president recalled that the law has not been complied with for some time and “this non-compliance reflects an inequity; that is what we want to begin to correct here today. And we want to do it through dialogue, by seeking consensus, explaining the problem and trying to make the national authorities understand it as well.”

“We do not like to judicialize politics, that is not the way we like to work, that is the last resort; it is when they no longer listen to us, when all administrative and political claims are exhausted,” he added.

The following paragraph referred to the specific case of Entre Ríos, which is the first time in the history of the province that it has made a claim before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. “I don’t want to have to reach that stage,” he said, and then expressed his conviction: “I deeply believe in conviction, in the possibility of generating an instance of dialogue that allows us to advance accordingly in explaining this inequity, this injustice that “is being committed when Anses does not transfer the funds that legitimately correspond to us to the 13 provinces that did not transfer the social security fund.”

Shared efforts

In another part of his speech, the governor referred to the efforts made by the three provinces to harmonize the funds with those of Anses. Faced with the problem, he said that they have “made the political decision – some have done so for some time and in our case six months ago – not to continue pushing the problem forward.”

“There are problems that cannot be pushed aside and we have to resolve them, because that is what people are demanding of us in politics: that we return to serving what we must serve in some way, which is to solve citizens’ specific problems,” said Frigerio.

Continuing along those lines, he referred to the importance of solving these problems because “when we do not solve the problem of our treasury deficit, when we do not obtain the resources that are rightfully ours, we cannot build roads, we cannot build hospitals, we cannot improve schools, we cannot, in short, do the things for which we have been voted, which is to try to improve the quality of life of our people,” he emphasized.

Frigerio emphasized the will of the three governments to resolve the problem and expressed: “We are here doing the things we have to do, with the three provinces of the Central Region agreeing to make a strong, concrete and precise claim: we want what we want.” “It belongs to us by right and by Law.”

Finally, he said that they have been clear with the national government: “We are here to support them in achieving governability and ensuring that they have the instruments they need, but this unrestricted support that we have had in terms of the national government obtaining its instruments is in no way contradictory to the staunch defense of our interests and of what is ours by right and by law,” concluded the president.

The meeting was attended by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Entre Ríos, Gustavo Hein; the presidents of the Pension Funds of Entre Ríos, Gastón Bagnat, and of Córdoba, Adrián Daniele; the provisional president of the Senate of Santa Fe, Felipe Micle; the president of the Chamber of Deputies of Santa Fe, Clara García; the provisional president of the Legislature of Córdoba, Facundo Torres Lima; national and provincial legislators; ministers, secretaries and representatives of the Executive Board.

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