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Commercial employees agreed to salary increases until August: how much they will earn

Commercial workers will receive an increase in their salaries in the coming months (Reuters)

The Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECYS) closed a quarterly agreement with the business sector that will imply an increase for the months of June (5%), July (4.5%) and August (4%). As a result of this collective bargaining, the The basic salary of workers will rise to $858,200as reported by the union this Thursday, June 27.

FAECYS reached the understanding with the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC), the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CAME) and the Union of Commercial Entities (Udeca)within the framework of a dialogue established to review salary amounts every three months, based on the evolution of inflation rates in the country.

Armando Cavalieri, general secretary of FAECYS, declared after knowing the joint venture figures: “It is essential to maintain constant monitoring of the economic and employment situation to guarantee that salary adjustments continue to be effective and that they are not surpassed by inflation. Our priority is to protect workers’ incomes and ensure stability in the sector.”

He then added: “We remain attentive to the dynamics of the labor market and we see with concern the increase in unemployment that is beginning to be reflected in some indicators, although it is true that we come from a historically low level of employment. “This agreement is an important step to ensure the purchasing power of our workers in a complex economic context.”

The wage agreement signed today corresponds to this year’s Trade Negotiation Agreement, which runs from March 2024 to April 2025.

The general secretary of the merchants, Armando Cavalieri (DyN 162)

At the beginning of 2024, the union led by Cavallieri had reached another agreement, maintaining this short-term negotiation dynamic, based on the evolution of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) measured month by month by INDEC.

On that occasion, commercial employees received a fixed sum of 40 thousand pesos corresponding to the month of March and an increase of 8% for April and another 7% for May. Thus, the basic salary reached more than $756 thousand pesos, always taking into account that the amount includes presenteeism.

FAECYS is the largest union in the country, with more than 1.2 million members. The result of its collective bargaining negotiations is often a reference for other sectors.

The announced percentages will be applied on a scale that, until June, was established according to categories. Thus, in June, the janitorial staff in category A received $698,010, those in category B, $700,031.00 and C, $707,110.00.

For their part, ATMs in category A receive $708,122.00, those in category B $711,664.00, and C, $716,215.00.

Category A assistants earn $708,122.00 in June, B, $713,179.00; and C, $729,869.00. Meanwhile, the special assistants of A will receive a salary of $714,193.00 and those of B $723,295.00.

Administrative staff in category A have a salary of $705,594.00, those in category B $708,631.00, C, $711,664.00, D, $720,767.00; E, $728,352.00; and F, $739,478.00.

Finally, sellers in category A receive $708,122.00, those in category B $723,297.00, C, $728,352.00; and D, $739,478.00.

In the first half of the year, the sector felt the impact of the drop in consumption, with difficult months due to the sharp drop in sales. According to official figures, sales fell 7.3% year-on-year in May, although they rose 6.6% compared to April, while they have accumulated a fall of 16.2% in the first five months of the year.

In April, five of the seven sectors surveyed showed year-on-year declines in sales. The largest annual decline was detected in Perfumeries (-27.8%) and there were increases in Textiles and clothing (+14.1%) and Footwear (+0.4%).

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