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The Government has released internet, telephone and cable TV rates – News

The National Telecommunications Entity (Enacom) this Thursday eliminated the regulations that set a cap on internet, fixed and mobile telephone rates, and cable television.

The limit of increases was between 5% and 10% monthly and will now no longer apply, so companies have the authority to set the prices they consider most convenient.

The provision corresponds to a decision by the auditors Juan Martín Ozores, Patricia Roldán and Alejandro Pereyra, framed in the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 302/2024 that annulled the DNU 690/2020, which declared the services as “essential and strategic public” and granted Enacom the power to regulate rates.

The regulations will come into force on the day of their publication, so will affect rates starting in July. “ICT Services licensees will set their prices, which must be fair and reasonable, cover operating costs and tend towards efficient provision and a reasonable operating margin,” explained Enacom.

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“It emerges from the recitals of DNU No. 302/2024 that “…ICT services have been created in competition, as well as the provision of mobile communications services, with the possibility of the licensees can set their prices freely” and that “…DNU No. 690/2020 establishes an essential modification to the legal framework of the sector, which must be corrected in order to safeguard the rules that allow the development of a competitive market and the free setting of prices for the services provided,” he adds.

Enacom’s decision comes hours after the Argentine Internet Chamber (CABASE) warned of the impact of the recession on the income of Argentine households in the sector.

A study analyzing the state of connectivity and internet infrastructure in the country revealed that 67.5% took some measure to reduce the cost of their fixed internet service in the face of the complex economic context of recent months. Along the same lines, 65.3% of households took measures to reduce the cost of their cable television service.

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Enacom Resolution by Cadena 3

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