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Disappearance of Interapas would be until the next legislature

The reform proposal will allow a change in the scheme, so that they become trusted employees

By: Editorial

Jose Antonio Lorca Valle, local deputy in the San Luis Potosí State Congress, presented an initiative to reform the Regulations for the Internal Government of the State Congress, with the intention of changing the criteria for hiring commission advisors to turn them into trusted employees.

The legislator based his proposal on the evaluations he has reviewed, and assessed that The excessive hiring of basic employees has resulted in a negative incentive, which affects the attitude of many of these officials, limiting the capacity of legislative work and the delivery of results to the citizens.

The proposal establishes that commission advisors They will be confidential employees, who must be renewed in each legislative session; Furthermore, through a transitional regime, determine that acting advisors are the last hired in a basic scheme.

“Thus, Each legislature would enter into office with its own Commission advisors, who would be trusted employees,

and in those terms they would be susceptible to removal, and must also be renewed at the end of the school year.”

The proposal was supported by the following deputies: Gabriela Martinez Larraga, Liliana Guadalupe Flores Almazan, Martha Patricia Aradillas Aradillas, Emma Idalia Saldaña Guerrero and the deputies; José Luis Fernández Martínez, Cuauhtli Fernando Badillo Moreno, Salvador Isais Rodriguez, Eloy Franklin Sarabia, Alejandro Anaya Escobedo, Alejandro Leal Tovías.

The initiative was referred to the Constitutional Affairs and Government Committees for analysis and subsequently be sent to the Plenary Session of the State Congress for discussion and, where appropriate, be voted on.

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