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Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS) of Granma, defines challenges for the 32nd anniversary

The improvement of professionals constitutes the first great challenge of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS) of Granma in the face of its 32nd anniversary of being established in this eastern province, on June 28, 1992, and the 33 years of being founded at the level country.

This was confirmed by Nadiuvis Sánchez Benitez, President of the ACCS of Granma, who also referred to the need to strengthen the work in the municipal associations of the territory and to integrate the professionals who are currently assuming Communication from the different entities.

“We must continue to strengthen community work, which is required by law, but it is also one of the specialized circles that we have in the Association; we have good specialists who work on this aspect of community communication from popular education, which is a very rich methodology to include people and make them agents of change.

“Above all, linked to the theme of overcoming as the number one task of communication work.

“There are many things that must continue to be worked on, not only for the associates who have 103 the organization in Granma, but also for all the specialists, managers and communicators.”

Sánchez Benítez highlighted the urgency of managing the preparation of these professionals and of using the teachers linked to the Association of Social Communicators to grow professionally.

He also insisted on proper management of the media and work on social networks, which sometimes become marathon publications, without a clear message and a coherent strategy from who I am as an institution, what I do and what I need the public to know from my corporate purpose; it is not about continuously bombarding them with information.

One of the main functions of the communicator is to advise the main authorities of his institution, but this is only possible if they attain a comprehensive general culture and enrich the knowledge acquired in the profession they decided to take on.

“There is an essential interest in communicators being prepared and in managers knowing how much communication contributes even to their governmental and economic management,” stressed Sánchez Benítez.

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