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He made a “dead dog” and jumped naked into the sea: Unusual video of furious customer in Iquique restaurant goes viral

The man allegedly threatened the police officers, who came to the scene after a call from the owner of the premises. The subject was prohibited from approaching the premises and had national roots.

An unusual situation occurred in Iquiqueprecisely in the Brava Beach sectorafter a man did not want to pay the bill at a restaurant, ending up completely naked in the sea.

The event would have occurred during the night of last Wednesday, when the man consumed in the premises and He began to refuse to pay the bill for what he had eaten. Carrying out what is colloquially known as a “dead dog.”

After this, the owner of the place decided to confront the diner, who responded with a Death threat. Due to the situation, the owner called Carabineros to request help.

However, when police officers approached the scene, The man decided to leave, heading towards the sea at Playa Brava.moment in which He began to undress, leaving himself completely naked. in his escape and then he jumped into the water.

Despite this, Carabineros personnel managed to catch him after an hour of operation, who offered “tenacious resistance.”

“Officials from the Carabineros and the Maritime Government, after an hour of trying, managed to rescue the accused and at the time the arrest was being carried out, he put up stubborn resistance, He threatened to kill two Carabineros and broke the cell phone of one of them“, indicated prosecutor María Alejandra Jorquera as reported by La Cuarta.

The “spectacle” was recorded by Los del Sur Noticias on the social network X, where you can hear the man reproaching police officers when he was captured. “Respect me, motherfucker! Put something in my …! Don’t let them see me”he said.

Finally, the subject was charged with a series of crimes, which include: scam, simple threats, threats to Carabineros officials, damages and indecent offenses.

In this way, the problematic diner was banned from approaching the premises and was banned from the victims involved in the events, in addition to being banned from the country.

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