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US aircraft carrier is already in Colombia for naval and air exercises with FF.MM.

This Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30, in the waters of the Colombian Pacific and near Buenaventura – Valle del Cauca, the Fourth Fleet of the United States Southern Command will display the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington to do naval exercises with the Colombian Navy within the framework of Operation Southern Seas.

Wanted increase interoperability, strengthen maritime partnership and build trust, with the navies of allied countriesthrough the conduct of passage exercises and operations in the seas of South America, while the aircraft carrier navigates around the continent.

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They will be tactical, naval, air defense and offensive, and sustainment exercises, which will allow for increased interoperabilitystrengthening capabilities and contributing to the cooperation, deterrence and stability of the region under international doctrine and standards.

The naval maneuvers between both countries will take place near the waters of the Colombian Pacific where on the part of the Colombian Navy will participate about 200 sailors and marines, who will put their expertise to the test aboard an Oceanic Patrol vessel, the ARC ‘Victoria’, a Corvette vessel, the ARC ‘Nariño’, a Coast Guard Rapid Reaction Unit – URR and a Helicopter from the Pacific Naval Group“, highlighting the intervention of the commandos of the Pacific Special Forces Group,” says the Navy.

‘Southern Seas’ It has been carried out since 2007, being the third time that the aircraft carrier USS George Washington participates in this operation.

This powerful nuclear-powered aircraft carrier set sail from Mayport – United States, sailing through the waters of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Paraguayand to finally arrive in Colombia this weekend, thus completing his journey through the south of the continent.

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