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Attention Argentina: studies for Messi and eyes on the quarterfinals :: Olé USA

06/27/2024 9:17 p.m.

Lionel Messi He was not part of the afternoon training session, under the rain, of the Argentine National Team at Florida International University (FIU). The best player in the world did not go to training with his teammates, since he stayed doing studies and kinesiology work, to continue improving from the muscle discomfort he suffered in his right adductor in the match against Chile.

Leo dedicated the day to continuing to improve his discomfort. Studies were done again with the less inflamed area and, in principle, there was no injury, so the 10 points everything to reaching the quarterfinal match in optimal conditionswhich would be on July 4 against Mexico or Ecuador, as long as Argentina maintains first place in Group A:

“My adductor muscle got a little stiff and I couldn’t relax it, It bothered me a little, but I was able to finish the game so I’ll see in these days how it evolves. The annoyance was at the beginning, in one of the first plays. I didn’t feel any puncture or tear but it did get hard. And it was difficult for me to move freely,” revealed number 10 after the game, making it clear that it was not something more serious.

The captain of the National Team had already undergone tests when the match ended, in the MetLife locker room itself, with a portable ultrasound and it showed no muscle injury. So, from that moment on, there was peace of mind, beyond the disturbance that was generated with the captain.

The 50-meter dash that Leo made in the last Argentine attack of the match (that counterattack that Di María commanded and that Lautaro failed to define for the 2-0), a play that Scaloni himself mentioned when referring to the captain’s physical condition, It was already an unequivocal sign that number 10 did not have a serious injury.. But also, it was Messi himself who, in conversation with Olé ended up generating that tranquility…

The players of the Argentine National Team are in a hybrid concentration dynamic these days in Miami. The coaching staff, after the victory with Chile, gave them freedom after training on Wednesday so that whoever wants can be with their families and return before training on Thursday.

How Nico Gonzalez and Mac Allister could be seen having dinner with their wives, Dibu at an Argentinean grill, Messi decided to share a few hours with his family at his home in Fort Lauderdale.

Knowing that he would not be able to train alongside his teammates due to the illnessa, the 10th cleared his head with his people and in the next few hours he will return to the concentration. He is expected to be present in training prior to the match with Peru, even though he will not play.

The team will have the same dynamic tonight after practice: whoever wants can spend the night with their family and return tomorrow around noon. Of course, the night before the game everyone will be focused.

Acuña, with an annoyance

The other footballer who is not at his best physically is Marcos Acuna. Sevilla’s left-footer has a muscle problem that he suffered at the end of the match against Chile – he played the last 13 minutes – something that will keep him out of the match against Peru, as the coaching staff wants to keep him in optimal condition.

El Huevo has already begun to carry out recovery tasks to try to make this discomfort subside and be in condition for the July 4 match. Looking ahead to the match with Peru, everything indicates that Nicolas Tagliafico He will play as a left winger, as happened in the match with Chile.

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