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community reports alleged cases of animal abuse during the festivities of San Juan and San Pedro in Neiva

During these dates it is a tradition to Celebration of the festivals of San Juan and San Pedro in different departments of the countrywhere different activities are carried out such as, for example, horseback riding, which has recently caused outrage.

This Thursday, June 27, several videos have begun to circulate through social networks, in which you can see, apparently, two acts of animal abuse towards horses in the municipality of Neivalocated in the department of Huila.

Animal abuse in Neiva.


A fact, according to Andrea Padilla Villarraga, senator and defender of animal rights, It was recorded while the parades were taking placean activity that would have been carried out by the Government of Huila.

The horse in the first video was treated after fainting due to exhaustion and heat stroke

In the images shared by the senator, you can see a horse lying on the ground, surrounded by dozens of people and being attended to by a man. “The horse in the first video was treated after fainting due to exhaustion and heat stroke,” said Padilla.

In another clip, according to images captured by a resident of the Huila department, A horse is seen that was allegedly thrown into the river after dying“Look, look, a horse floating at the San Pedro festivities. Look, my God, here in Neiva, at the Neiva parades,” the man who recorded the video can be heard saying anxiously.

After what happened, the senator added that “in Congress we do not have support to prohibit them (the parades). We hope, however, that they support the project we are launching to regulate them strictly and without consideration, for the good of the animals and public order.“.

The Huila Governorate is expected to make a statement in order to clarify what happened.

Neiva Police will be aware of any incident of animal abuse

In order to comply with the Law 1774 of 2016which gives rise to sanctioning those who attempt against the life, physical and emotional integrity of non-human animals, the Neiva Metropolitan Police will be aware of any act of animal abuse that is recorded during the holidays.

Horseback riding in Neiva.

Photo:Neiva Mayor’s Office

Therefore, the Colonel of the Neiva Police, Alexander Castillo Marín, reveals some Recommendations for caring for the health of non-human animals during the holidays:

  1. Before starting the horseback riding tour, make sure that the horse is in perfect condition.
  2. Keep your horse hydrated before and during the ride.
  3. Remember that it is prohibited to take dogs on horseback rides.
  4. Please note that mares that are in the last days of pregnancy will not be able to participate in these activities.
  5. If you will be a rider, you will not be able to participate in a state of intoxication.
  6. Finally, riders may not carry items that could cause harm to the horse, for example, spurs.

If you witness an act of animal abuse, do not hesitate to report it through the emergency line 123 or the number 310 206 8944 of the Environmental Police.


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