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Why UNCo assures that it will benefit from the Regionalization Plan

The person in charge of the presentation

The presentation was given by the undersecretary of the Council for Planning and Action for Development (COPADE), Ana Servidiowho depends on the Secretariat of Planning and Institutional Linkage of the Chief of Staff ministry.

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During his presentation, Servidio considered that the work with UNCO “it’s key” for the province. “Because it is a regional university, which was conceived with a strategy that responds to territorial needs“, said.

He stated that this Plan “is a tool for address a diagnosis of a very unbalanced, macrocephalic provincewith a lack of opportunities in the interior and the need to think of a development strategy that includes the seven regions: Comarca Petrolera, Vaca Muerta, Centro Oeste, Norte, Confluencia, Limay Medio and Sur.

Finally, Servidio remarked that “the governor always suggests, and we take it as a mandate to work, that we do not divide the province but integrate it into regions.”

Regionalization seeks to strengthen the provincial organization in seven regions to achieve efficient management in the territory. It is organized with regional delegates who maintain continuous dialogue with both local authorities and the governor through the Cabinet Office.

Participating in this presentation were the Dean of FAEA, Mariela Martínez, and the Undersecretary of Linkage and Technology Transfer of the UNCo, Luciano Coppis, the provincial directors of Strategic Planning, Silvia García Garaygorta, and of Regional Planning, Daniela Torrisi, and the general director of Interinstitutional Management. of the Neuquén Agency for Innovation for Development (ANIDE), Juan Torres, among other people.

In Villa Pehuenia

On Friday of last week the meeting of the Central West regionin Villa Pehuenia, with the participation of the 12 municipalities and development commissions that make it up: Quili Malal, Ramón Castro, Villa del Puente Picún Leufú, Los Catutos, Covunco Abajo, Las Coloradas, Bajada del Agrio, Las Lajas, Aluminé, Villa Pehuenia, Zapala and Mariano Moreno.


The president of the Pulmarí Interstate Corporation and coordinator of the Pewence Zonal Council, lonco Daniel Salazar, participated in the event and thanked the invitation. “As a lonco of a community, I recognize that they have summoned us. I was able to present what we work on together with municipal governments and provincial State institutions,” he said.

Salazar, who is also a local resident of the Hiengueihual community of Epu Pehuén, highlighted the importance of “the decision to have regions. There are different realities; Good to Know. We have to know each other, work together with what we have at our disposal. It is important that we all go together.”

This modality, with regional working groups, aims to listen to ministers and members of the provincial cabinet, in order to receive the demands and problems of the mayors and presidents of the development commissions of the region, who were elected and represent the communities.

The regionalization model implemented by Figueroa is aimed at bringing opportunities to all localities, with the horizon set on the growth of each region.

At the Villa Pehuenia meeting, the Chief of Staff Minister, Juan Luis Ousset, expressed that they are involved in regionalization and said that “the Province must integrate into regions. There cannot be regions that do not grow, that are postponed, as Daniel mentioned, where opportunities do not arrive,” alluding to the words of Lonco Daniel Salazar, during his intervention.

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