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the ceremonies and who “married” who

After a Wednesday of maximum tension, with the new nominees and the definition of the first finalist of the edition, this Thursday It was the moment of relaxation within the house, with the celebration of a wedding night.

As Santiago del Moro had anticipated, three ceremonies were going to be held, to carry out a symbolic marriage between three couples inside the house: Nicolas Grosman with Florence Regidor, Bautista Mascia with Denisse Gonzalez and Emmanuel Vich with Darío Martinez Corti.

Wedding night on Big Brother: what the couple said to each other

With Ariel Ansaldo as reverend and Lucila “La Tora” Villar as witnesses, both competitors from the previous edition, The first to “say yes” were Flor and Nico, who exchanged some words with marked affection.

“I am very happy to be here. As soon as I walked in, I saw you and I liked you and I never thought it would be so difficult to have a relationship with you. I like everything about you, the way you get along with people, how sincere you are, you are a beautiful person. You made it to the final. Enjoy these last few days you have left. You already won. I love you too and I want to marry you.“said the young former participant.

Later, It was Dario and Emma’s turnwho received the blessing of Julius Poggio. “What to tell you Emma, ​​my love? I had two options. One was to stay, or run. Of course, I chose the second one, which is to run into your arms,” said Martínez Corti. And the stylist returned the gesture: “Thank you Darío for your words of support in recent times. I loved meeting you and we’re going to get to know each other better outside.”.

Finally, Baustista and Denisse sealed their love, with Nacho Castañares as a witness. “I fell in love with him when he grabbed the guitar,” she had confessed. And the Uruguayan participant did not hide his emotion at seeing Denisse after more than three months apart.


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