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The Attorney General’s Office requested a report on risks and poor infrastructure in five schools in Neiva

On the other hand, the municipal Secretary of Education, Natalia Andrea Rodríguez, indicated that “We have learned through the media of the report from the Attorney General’s Office, which has not yet been notified to the Neiva Education Secretariat.. The report is basically based on the report presented by the Council in which the Neiva infrastructure plan was ultimately socialized.”

And it seems that, Of the five public venues that are named by the control entity, four of them are not with their students in person for approximately two years, given the risk conditions recorded.

“The only one that offers face-to-face classes, of the five named, is Juan de Cabrera, South East Headquarterswhich has 165 students enrolled in primary school, and according to the information indicated by the technical team of the Ministry of Education, It presents a possible risk in sanitary batterieswhich we will evaluate immediately,” added the secretary.

According to reports given by the education secretary, the Garden City headquarters It has an enrollment of 532 primary students, which It has not been working for more than two years on the batch that appears in the report, so those students find themselves watching classes at the Gimnasio Moderno school, without any risk.

Now for the Motilon headquarterswhich has a total of seven minors enrolled, It was arranged by the community, so they receive classes in defined spaces between the community and the secretariat.while the Chapineros headquartersit is found in a leasing model in order to prevent risks from materializing with students within the campuses.

“The Roberto Durán Alvira headquarters has a compliance agreement that defines that the entire community must be relocated, however the The municipality of Neiva has requested the annulment of the ruling, We requested a technical concept from the national geological unit in which they defined that none of the studies carried out have the necessary technical conditions to be able to infer this type of decisions. We are waiting for the process to move forward,” explained the Secretary of Education.

Finally, the education department will generate the new projects that are required so that the students are in optimal conditions, but Neither the Líbano nor Motilón headquarters have lots available to carry out project formulation.

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