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Nearly 700 participants in the first sessions of the thematic tables of the development plan

With broad participation from all levels of the university community, representatives of civil society organizations and people interested in university development issues, the inaugural sessions of the convergent thematic tables of the Strategic Development Plan 2025-2035 of the Universidad del Valle, vision of the future 2045, For the University of our dreams were held.

In total, some 700 people participated in the eleven sessions held for the thematic tables, in which they presented proposals of various kinds that enriched the introductory phase of the process.

Experts from Univalle and national and international organizations and institutions participated in the inaugural sessions of the tables, who spoke on specific topics with an updated global and regional vision on each of the major topics contemplated in the Strategic Development Plan.

During the sessions, spaces for reflection, dialogue and discussion were held in which more than 400 initiatives were presented, including proposals, requests, reflections and clarifications by professors, students, employees and graduates registered at the tables.

Mauricio Cabezas, student representative to the Academic Council and participant in the Thematic Roundtable 3 on Wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, highlighted that this is a topic that must be transversal to all the axes of the development of the Universidad del Valle and involve it in the training, extension and research processes. Mauricio invited all Univalle students in Cali and in the Regionalization System to register and participate in the thematic roundtables of the Strategic Development Plan to contribute to building the future of the university.

“Remember that this is a key moment for us students to contribute our vision to the Plan and to think about the university with a long-term perspective, taking into account that we will later graduate,” said the student leader.

In general, in these first sessions of the thematic tables there was more virtual participation than in person through the Zoom platform. The round table sessions were also broadcast through Facebook Live with good reception from the followers of the university networks and participation in each of the conversation spaces and the workshops that were held to identify the diversity of the groups. and interest groups, aspects and themes that had not been included in the initial lists of topics for discussion.

Professor Luis Carlos Castillo, head of the Office of Institutional Planning and Development and coordinator of the Development Plan, announced that in the coming days virtual forums will be held for the participation of people enrolled in the Plan on topics such as artificial intelligence and others of high interest within the framework of the agenda in progress.

The Office of Planning and Institutional Development will inform in a timely manner about the calendar of the second sessions of the convergent thematic tables that will take place in the first half of August when semester II of the academic calendar has begun in all sections and headquarters of the University. It is expected that in these spaces the participation of the student body in the different campuses and sections will expand.

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